istock_000005024047xsmall.jpgThings are heating up at work. First it was a nasty comment from someone. Then an outright accusation.

Now you feel like you’re in a corner defending yourself. How do you resolve the conflict and get back your confidence and self-esteem?

I coach my clients with imagery. I encourage them to remember that it takes several elements to make a fire. If they remove the source of ignition, usually their own ego, they can quickly turn down the heat.

Here’s a short and easy visualization you can adapt to your circumstances.

  • Imagine that everyone involved, except you, is a container of gasoline with the lid off! They have to learn how to manage their “stuff.” But like I said, that’s their job.
  • Then imagine that you are a blazing fire! You know what happens when fire gets near gasoline or even gas vapors! Here’s where your job comes in.
  • See your bristling anger and blazing ego cooling off in a spring rain. No lightening. No thunder. No downpour. Gently know deep inside yourself where you stand. Remember what you did and said. You can be right. But your ego can still take you for a ride with explosive reactivity and self-righteousness.
  • Now imagine yourself as a fountain. Feel the grounding energy from the earth coming up through the soles of your feet. Feel a gentle stream of caring and compassion flowing through you to every one around you.

Let go of the situation as quickly as you can. Don’t bring the conflict or the problems home with you. You don’t have to fix their lives for them. But you can resolve a lot of conflict with them by using this imagery.

From fire to water, you own your truth and affirm your self-esteem. You stay grounded and emotionally balanced. You switch the ego story from being victimized by others to being the hero or heroine who knows how to squelch the fire and save the day!

Janice M. Puta
Spirituality mentor and energy practitioner:
Author of Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker
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