Is your blood pressure climbing, your temper ready to boil over, or your moodiness ready to crawl into a hole and take you with it?

What happened? Did your boss harass you or a co-worker ridicule you? Did the waitress take forever to bring your lunch, or you couldn’t find a convenient parking space at the mall? Did you come home for some support and refuge, only to find your spouse is late for supper or your lover cancelled plans for the weekend?

These emotional pitfalls are what many of my clients and students talk to me about. They don’t like the way it makes them feel powerless and victimized, but they can’t find their way out of it.

Here’s one of the techniques I teach them to restore their emotional balance, to feel grounded, and in control of their feelings.

Breathe! As soon as you feel yourself reacting, breathe. Focus on and be aware of breathing in and breathing out. Do this several times. Your mind can only put its attention on one thing at a time. As you choose to focus on your breathing in and out, your mind lets go of the story your ego was writing.

It’s your ego trying to justify its presumed rights and privileges that set you off in the first place. It’s your ego trying to get you to talk back, fight back, and defend its position that puts you on that emotional roller coaster. And it’s your ego that has to now back down when you don’t feed it any energy or attention as you focus on breathing.

Feel yourself become calmer and more centered. Imagine a large globe of white light above your head. Imagine a shower of white light coming down and flowing all over you, around you, and through you. See and feel this warm, loving light slowly wash you from head to toe. Imagine that it’s draining all the anger, the moodiness, the sadness out of you and down into the ground.

With each wave of light coming down, feel yourself become more relaxed and more at peace. Spread the light out around you as far as your fingertips can reach to the right and to the left. Allow yourself to feel safe inside this shower of light.

Finally, bring down one more flood of light and intend for it to stand all around and above and below you like a huge protective bubble. Smile and feel how good that feels. Take a few seconds to hold this image and to linger in its energy.

You can print out this exercise and carry it with you, or practice it a few times until you get the basics down. This is so powerful that it works even if you do it while you’re combing your hair or refreshing your lipstick.

If you need a quick picker upper, or a moment to get out from under a surge of negative energy, breathe and do the shower of light. Then shield yourself with light. And now you’re wonderfully grounded and balanced for whatever comes your way. You’re back in charge of your feelings and your life – and that feels good!

Try these suggestions out for yourself and let me know what results you have. These are some of the things I talk about and work on with my students and clients. If you want to have your own free 20-minute session to see how I can help you, email me at with the subject: Let’s Talk for 20 Minutes!

We’ll get together on the phone, we’ll talk, you’ll feel good, and your life will change.

If you have some special ways to help yourself stay grounded and balanced, let us know what they are. Drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with us.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Janice M. Puta
Certified Teacher in Spiritual Response Technique
Helping you get a life you love to live!
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions:

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