Posted by: Jan on January 29, 2008
Categories: Law of Attraction // Comments Off on Why Are You Not Getting What You’re Asking For?
Are you looking through the bills from the holidays, getting the receipts together for income taxes, reviewing how well you kept to your budget last year?
Someplace between the lines, at some moment here and there, is there a twinge of wanting more… wishing it were a whole lot easier… wondering how long until…?
“There is no shortage. There is no lack. There is no competition for resources. If people are not receiving what they are asking for, it can only be that the persons holding the desire are out of alignment with their own requests.” (Esther and Jerry Hicks, Ask and It Is Given)
Yes, you’ve probably done the vision board, the positive affirmations, the creation declarations, and several other wonderful journaling and envisioning exercises. But how do you access the subconscious programming that you were imprinted with as a child if you don’t know what it is? And how do you clear the clutter from past lives that is downloading now so you can work it through in this lifetime and hopefully get it right this time around?
Go as far as you can with what you know, what you feel, what you understand. Then ask for help. Come here and find what information and support can inspire you, encourage you, and support you.
If you want more one-on-one mentoring or an experience in energy work, dream interpretation, soul record research, or subconscious program clearing, check out my services at
Together we’ll get you up and on your journey with renewed energy and self-confidence.
Janice M. Puta
Spirituality mentor and energy practitioner:
Author of Pathways: Takes for the Spiritual Seeker
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