Posted by: Jan on October 15, 2008
Categories: Mind/Body/Spirit // Comments Off on When Small Things Count Most
This is the time of year I get fund appeals in the mail almost every day. I was especially touched by the comment of one solicitor, “Small things done are greater than great things promised.”
For me, what that translates into is:
1. By ourselves, we may not be able to end hunger in the world. But we can buy a few extra items at the grocery store and put them in the local drives for area food pantries.
2. By ourselves we may not be able to end crime in our cities. But we can affirm and encourage those people and programs that teach drug and alcohol prevention in our schools and communities.
3. By ourselves we may not be able to reduce the costs of health care. But we can learn to eat healthy foods, exercise moderately, and take better care of ourselves.
4. By ourselves we may not be able to create new jobs, increase wages, or help out seniors on fixed income. But we can take our slightly used clothing, shoes, and household items to consignment stores, GoodWill, or St. Vincent de Paul outlets that make these things affordable or gift them to those in need.
It’s not a hand out. It’s a hand up — an outreaching hand that says “I’m here for you and we’ll make it together.”
Let me know what’s on your list of ways you do “small things” that make a difference!
Janice M. Puta
Author of Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker
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