Spiritual bankruptcy, karmic debt, and borrowed energy are just as real and devastating as foreclosures and unemployment. If you want to know what your spiritual economy looks like, take a look around at your relationships, your job, your bank account!

Everything that is part of your reality today is here because of what you were thinking and how you were feeling yesterday – and the week before that – and the month before that.

The more conscious you become of what you are thinking and the feeling, the more awareness you bring into your daily living.

The more awareness you live with, the better choices you are going to make. The choices you make in what you think, how you feel, what you do, are going to create the better life you want and deserve.

That’s the focus of the work I do with Spiritual Response Technique. Here are three
steps I share with my students and clients to help them stay in the power of awareness and consciously choosing their best life ever!

First, be conscious of where you’re at right now. Sit in it for a few minutes. This is not a pity party. It’s about awareness. Be in it but not of it. Allow yourself to listen to your thoughts and feel your feelings. Answer questions like these: what’s going wrong, where am I running out, what’s not working? Make a quick and short list. We’ll come back to it later on.

Second, make a conscious choice to change directions. If you don’t like what you see from the road you’re on right now, the scenery isn’t going to change until you get on a different route. Admit to yourself: “I’ve had enough of this. Something has got to change! I’m ready to be that change in my life.”

Third, take the steps to change your route. Write down and read out loud a reversal statement for everything in your short list from step #1. Saying it out loud empowers and affirms you from the inside out. Begin with the words: “I give myself permission.” Here’s an example: “I give myself permission to improve my relationship with my partner/lover.”

Allow yourself to feel what you are saying. Be in this energy and of it. Be gentle with yourself and give yourself time for this to shift. Imagine what that will look like (the improved relationship etc) when it happens in your life. Already give thanks that you are changing your thoughts and feelings and your reality.

This is how you build your spiritual economy! From your spiritual wellbeing will come every good thing you desire in your day-to-day experience. If this information gives you a lift, let us know. If you have some special ways you keep yourself focused on growing your spiritual economy, please share them with us. Drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with us.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Janice M. Puta
Certified Teacher in Spiritual Response Technique
Helping you get a life you love to live!
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions: mail4619-fdl@yahoo.com


On February 26 Dana Wrote:

I love that you remind us to be patient with ourselves and let the changes take root and grow. There is so much powerful energy on the Earth now. I think it’s important to note that people who are open are going to feel the mass energy (mostly fear). Knowing how to let go of that is very helpful! Which brings us back to awareness and patience. Thanks Jan, as always, for sharing your lovely energy!


Hi Dana,

Sorry that I missed your comment. You are so right about people feeling the fear that’s rampant in the world consciousness right now.

Thanks so much for being in your own awareness and lifting the whole planet with every effort you take to stay balanced and radiant in your beautiful soul energy.
