Posted by: Jan on April 5, 2009
Categories: Law of Attraction // Comments Off on Stop Thinking You’ve Got It Figured Out and Let It Come to You
Working with the laws of attraction and manifestation, we may be very good at getting clear on what we want, and being energetically aligned with our goal.
The challenge comes when we get to the part about allowing it to come to us.
For the past two weeks, I’ve been trying to get my birdbath outside and setup on my patio. I knew the pedestal base was in the garage next to the automatic door. It’s the only thing that fits in that tiny corner. And I’ve seen it every time I opened the door to shovel the snow that blew up against the door.
I was sure the top of the birdbath was in the basement. I knew I wanted to take good care of it because it’s a handmade ceramic bowl from my aunt. But when I looked, it wasn’t down there. One of my friends called twice, and stopped over with her kids in the car, just to help me pull out and set up my birdbath. I had to turn away her generous offer, and keep looking for the missing part.
Again this week, I went back out to the garage and looked at the base thinking, “Where is the rest of you?” My eyes shifted to the shelving unit hidden alongside the SUV. In this tiny one-car garage, there’s no room to open the doors on both sides of a big SUV at the same time. There’s no room to walk between the car and the shelving unit in there, much less to see what’s on the shelves with the car parked next to it. So it caught me totally by surprise to see, less than three feet away, on top of a bag of potting soil, the gorgeous hand painted bowl sitting in all its glory.
The minute I let go of thinking it could only be in the basement, I could see it where it had always been, just a few feet away from the base.
Something similar happened to one of the members in my Master Mind group. She and her husband had a product they wanted to promote through several distributors. At a regional convention, she saw someone she recognized as a major distributor for a competing product. In her head she knew this. And yet, letting go of her thinking and what she thought she knew for sure, she approached the distributor about her product. To her surprise, the distributor was unhappy with his current source, and was open to hearing about an alternative product.
As I said before, this is the part of the law of attraction that works better without our telling the Universe how to do its job and when to get it done.
As we stop thinking about what we’re thinking is a fact or the truth, we allow ourselves to be open to a different suggestion, idea, or result. Yes, keep asking, “Where is it? Who is it? What is it?” so that we’re open to the opportunity right in front of us. And let go of the “When is it going to be here?” and “How is it going to show up?” so we can receive what we ordered, or something even better, from the Universe.
Have you had an experience like this – where you let go of thinking about it, and then suddenly found or received whatever you were looking for? Please drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with us.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Janice M. Puta
Author of Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker
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