Poor self esteem, passive behavior as well as aggressive dominating energies all come from the same chakra in the solar plexus.

To clear out energy blocks and restore chakra balance and healing, know the signs of when your third chakra is in trouble and needs your conscious intervention.

The third or solar plexus chakra is the seat of your personal power and will. The main focus of this energy center is to help you define who you are and what your purpose is in this life experience.

When your third chakra is balanced and in harmony with your other 6 basic chakras:

  • you feel on purpose with your life,
  • you’ve got a lot of natural spontaneity and self-esteem.

When your third chakra is unbalanced or blocked, you may experience:

  • ego and shame about your thoughts, feelings, and actions,
  • fear about standing up for yourself when criticized,
  • fear about giving information or getting involved even when you know you have solutions that will benefit others,
  • passivity, not taking action regarding the standards or morals you value or believe in.

You’ll know the third chakra is excessively out of control when you see behaviors that are:

  • aggressive and dominating within your own family or in your peer group,
  • blaming and scapegoating at work or at home,
  • constantly active but scattered and not productive.

When I work with you on assessing your solar plexus chakra, we have a very easy and comfortable conversation with your High Self and my High Self. This is a gentle and tolerant time with total compassion and understanding. I’ve been trained to work with that part of your behavior that is not your conscious choice. Most of the time, I find that the programs and energies that run your chakras amuck are deeply hidden in your subconscious mind.

No matter when your programs were created, or what happened to you in the past, the good news is there is a solution. No matter how long you’ve lived with these issues and how difficult these challenges may be, I can help you. Even if you’ve been through all kinds of therapy and group support already, this is going to be so different, healing, and comforting for you.

What I do is not talk therapy. You get some great information and some wonderful self-help techniques. But most importantly, it’s my responsibility to find the cause of your problem, to help you undo the programming, and to enjoy a better life experience. Harmony and balance is possible and accessible. And it encompasses and heals the total being – body, mind, and spirit.

Because this is energy work, you can stay in the comfort and privacy of your own home, and work with me over the phone. Would you like a free and quick assessment of your third chakra?

You can have a free 20-minute session with me to see how I can help you. Email me at mail4619-fdl@yahoo.com with the subject: Let’s Check on My Third Chakra.

We’ll get together on the phone, we’ll talk, you’ll feel better, and your life will change.

If you already are doing your own chakra healing, please share with us several ways that work for you to keep your third chakra in balance and harmony. Drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with us.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Janice M. Puta
Certified Teacher in Spiritual Response Technique
Helping you get a life you love to live!
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions: mail4619-fdl@yahoo.com


Dear Juanita I was happy to found you in my computer I did not know you were here, I found you through S R T. Thank you for Beautifull EASTER masege Blessing to you to. Right now I fill Helpless don’t fill like clearing is working, very depress, I identifi my self with what you mention here, ( third chakra) were can I get your book?Love and Ligth. Maria

Great article..you may be interested in our shop, which has a wide range of meditation, sound therapy and chakra information and products

Dear Maria,

I understand what you are saying — sometimes we feel that SRT is not working. Oh it is working! But so is our ego — that voice that tells us we are not good enough — that voice that says no one loves us — that voice that says our life does not matter. And THAT voice is the EGO — and it stirs up all the dark energies and throws them at us.

When you feel sad, when you feel anxious, when you feel depressed — that is ego — that is not you! You are a beautiful soul! You are made in the image and likeness of the Creator! Your soul shines brighter than the sun! Every time you remember these beautiful things — may they bring a smile to your face and chase the ego back into it’s corner.

Then smile — and go and have a beautiful day!

You are so loved! You are so precious! You are holding Love and Light for many on this planet. That is a sacred experience! Thank you for doing that!

Thanks, “sound travel” for sharing your resources with us.