Your throat chakra is at the center of self-expression and your struggle to release your will to divine guidance. This is essentially an experience in faith – faith in your fears or faith in the divine.

Your every thought, feeling, and action has a biological and social, personal and global consequence. Therefore the richest contribution you can make to your personal life experience, to humanity and the planet is for you to make choices rooted in the benevolent good of all that is.

This is the energy center that encourages you to use your personal power to create with good judgment, communication projects and art. If you’re in a signing, performing, teaching or public speaking profession, you’ll especially want to nurture and keep your fifth chakra in balance and harmony.

When your throat chakra is balanced:

  • you speak your truth to yourself, your family and friends,
  • you know how to ask for your needs to be met by your family and loved ones, employer and co-workers, and even God,
  • you speak with conviction to your clients and your audience,
  • you are comfortable with your own style, whether you’re talking with your co-workers or your employer.

When there’s a lack of harmony in your throat chakra:

  • you can get trapped in lies,
  • you may be afraid of following your dream because you might make a fool out of yourself,
  • you don’t talk about where you want to go with your life because you’re afraid of being criticized and judged by others,
  • you’re afraid of being rejected or ridiculed if you speak up and let someone know what you need in a relationship or what you want to get out of a job,
  • you might feel that someone in the audience or at work knows more than you do, so you never step up to lead or take charge.

When this energy center is really blocked, you may experience behaviors that include:

  • excessive talking and the inability to listen,
  • holding back on ideas and involvement until you are absolutely sure that you are right and no one will challenge you,
  • addictions to being in the lime light and having the last word.

When I work with you on assessing your throat chakra energies, we have a very easy and comfortable conversation with your High Self and my High Self. This is a gentle and tolerant time with total compassion and understanding. I’ve been trained to work with that part of your behavior that is not your conscious choice. Most of the time, I find that the programs and energies that run your chakras amuck are deeply hidden in your subconscious mind.

No matter when your programs were created, or what happened to you in the past, the good news is there is a solution. No matter how long you’ve lived with these issues and how difficult these challenges may be, I can help you. Even if you’ve been through all kinds of therapy and group support already, this is going to be so different, healing, and comforting for you.

What I do is not talk therapy. You get some great information and some wonderful self-help techniques. But most importantly, it’s my responsibility to find the cause of your problem, to help you undo the programming, and to enjoy a better life experience. Harmony and balance is possible and accessible. And it encompasses and heals the total being – body, mind, and spirit.

Because this is energy work, you can stay in the comfort and privacy of your own home, and work with me over the phone. Would you like a free and quick assessment of your throat chakra?

You can have a free 20-minute session with me to see how I can help you. Email me at with the subject: Let’s Check on My Throat Chakra.

We’ll get together on the phone, we’ll talk, you’ll feel better, and your life will change.

If you already are doing your own chakra healing, please share with us several ways that work for you to keep your throat chakra in balance and harmony. Drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with us.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Janice M. Puta
Certified Teacher in Spiritual Response Technique
Helping you get a life you love to live!
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions:

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