Posted by: Jan on June 24, 2009
Categories: Spiritual Response Technique // Comments Off on Protection for Psychic Healers and Energy Workers
As in the medical field, you energy healers know you put yourselves at great risk in dealing with some of the most aggressive and malicious issues that challenge the body, mind, and spirit of your students and clients.
That’s why the most important thing you can do in helping others is to first practice good self-care and self-protection at the beginning and end of every day.
Some of you may know where you were while your body was sleeping and what you were doing during the night. Some others may not be aware that many souls astral travel and serve in other universes and dimensions while their body is recuperating for another day on the planet Earth.
So one of your primary morning exercises should include two major elements: closing the door behind you and taking a good energy shower. There are several different ways to do this and they all work:
- Ask your High Self to close all the doors to all the dimensions you were in, or that opened up to you while you were out and about. Then ask your High Self to collect and remove from your energy field and residence, all of the beings and entities that followed you back home, or came through the open doors.
- If you don’t work with your High Self or a Light Being, then bring yourself into a centered state of consciousness and do a visualization of this same process. Imagine that you are in the center of a room with open doors on all four walls. See yourself looking at each door and watching it close. Then imagine vents in the floor or the walls open up and suck in all the discordant energy that came through those open doors or was already in the room.
- No matter which of these methods you use, follow up with visualizing a shower of golden white light coming from above your crown chakra and gently flowing through all your chakras, down your legs and out of the bottom of your feet to the molten center of the Earth. Repeat the shower and imagine the golden white light flowing all around you and creating a protective bubble of charged and positive energy.
Allow yourself a moment or two to feel the shift this creates in helping you get grounded and clear of whatever energy or beings that were part of last night’s experience. Then, at the end of the day, repeat the process.
This time, intend to close the doors to all the places you were at, and all the people you visited or worked with. This can be a very benevolent way of blessing and thanking everyone for being a part of your spiritual journey. Again, make sure all their energy or entities are removed from your space. Do the shower of golden light and feel the quiet peace and ease of the evening greet you.
Sometimes you can feel that something or someone still has a hold on you, and you can’t quite get free. You may feel restless or irritated, have problems falling asleep or staying focused on your own energy work. That’s when it’s time to get help from another healer or energy practitioner to get the blocks and interferences cleared.
If you want to know how I can help you with a session in Spiritual Response Therapy, here’s a free 20-minute introduction to get to know me. Email me at with the subject: Let’s Talk for 20 Minutes!
We’ll get together on the phone, we’ll talk, you’ll feel good, and you’ll be back in charge of your life and your energy again.
If you have any questions about what Spiritual Response Therapy is or what it can or cannot do for you, let me know what they are. Drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with me.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Janice M. Puta
Certified Teacher in Spiritual Response Technique
Helping you get a life you love to live!
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions: