Melissa called with a request many moms and dads have about their children – “What’s upsetting my children, and can you clear that for them?” This is not the normal every day spats that children have with siblings, parents, or even with their own friends.

This is the chaos parents call a “meltdown” or an unexplainable emotional outburst or rage, uncontrollable tantrums or unreasonable fears. Inevitably, when we start working on it with the process called Spiritual Response Therapy, we discover that this upsetting behavior is being fueled by discordant energy from more than just the child.

That means that everyone, adults and children, are spiritual beings living in the human experience. Everyone has an energy field, and everyone is susceptible to whatever can penetrate and affect their energy fields: certain wavelengths from transmitting devices, geopathic stress from the earth, toxicity from ley lines and vortexes, and paranormal experiences.

Paranormal experiences are much more common than what most people realize. Something someone says or does can trigger an adult or child on a subconscious level. That reactivity creates a portal into another reality such as a past life or another dimension. Whatever traumatic experience or relationship they had with this same person, or in a similar situation, to what ever is triggering them now, all of that horrific unresolved energy comes pouring into their current life experience for them to deal with. And, sometimes, the spiritual beings from that life experience may also show up around them and add their energy to the intensity of the trauma and drama going on now.

Spiritual Response Therapy is comforting and consoling to parents in being able to explain what is happening, why, and how to deal with it. Not only is the current situation cleared up and balance restored in the household, but parents also receive suggestions and guidelines for coping with these situations when they show up again.

If you’re dealing with a child who is rebellious, highly emotional or reactive, fearful or anxious, consider that there’s more going on here than what you can hear or see. Consider that there could be other energy fields or energy beings affecting, disturbing, and interfering with your child’s well being.

If you’re new to SRT, or have had a clearing session done now and then, this is an example of some of the things I talk about and work on with my students and clients. If you’ve never worked with me before and want to have your own free 20-minute session to see how I can help you or your children, email me at with the subject: Let’s Talk for 20 Minutes!

We’ll get together on the phone, we’ll talk, you’ll feel good, and your life will change.

If you have some special ways to help your children clear their energy field and to stay grounded and balanced, let us know what they are. Drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with us.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Janice M. Puta
Certified Teacher in Spiritual Response Therapy/Technique
Helping you get a life you love to live!
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions:

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