Posted by: Jan on September 20, 2009
Categories: Abundance & Prosperity // Comments Off on An Empty Feeling Says Something Important
An empty feeling is telling you something important. An empty feeling is telling you that your energy is running on low, your tank is just about dry, and you’re stalled on the road to abundance and prosperity.
In that state of emptiness, you can’t give or share with anyone else, and you can’t attract in whatever you need for yourself.
Abundance and prosperity are in the ocean of All-That-Is. And the only way that you can go to that ocean, dip in, and get whatever you need or want, is to first of all get there! And that doesn’t mean having to travel thousands of miles or spend hundreds of dollars on expenses. It simply means connecting yourself to the Energy Stream, the Divine Source, the ocean of All-That-Is through your intention and desire.
Some people use affirmations or short meditations to do this. Others realize that shifting into a more positive feeling and attitude is just as powerful a connection. “Your emotions do not create, but they do indicate what you are currently attracting.” (Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks)
If your feelings are down and out, that is what you are attracting more of! If your feelings are upbeat, hopeful, and grateful, then you are open to receive whatever you are asking for.
So fuel up on positive feelings, energize yourself with hopeful thinking, and take action steps from inspired and clear direction.
If you need some handy cues to keep you on course, consider the Ask and It is Given Cards by Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham). Check them out here:
I love them! They seem to give me exactly what I need the moment I pick one out. Let me know what you think. Do you have some quick pick-me-ups that keep you on course when the going gets tough? Please drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with us.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Janice M. Puta
Chief Inspirational Owner of Our Spiral Journey, LLC
Helping You Walk the Path to Healing and Wholeness
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA