Sunlight in understory 437713-R1-039-18_017Spiritual Response Therapy is a very progressive healing system because it affects the total person – mind, body, and spirit.

Because SRT gets to the core roots of the emotional energy and the mental beliefs that are underneath the physical conditions, people can prevent surgery and a dependency on chemical medications when this type of energy work is part of a balanced wellness program.

An SRT practitioner cannot diagnose or influence a client not to continue any medications or treatments the client is involved in or wants to explore. So there are times when the best intentions on the part of the practitioner and the client’s family are not enough to bring about the healing that is desired.

There are times when the person with the medical or emotional issues is not open to talking about, learning about, or giving energy work like SRT a try. In essence, this person is choosing to do things the hard way – to take life as it comes with all the bumps and bruises, accidents and surgeries, and to let the doctors fix things when something happens.

Some people believe that suffering and pain are a natural part of life and no one has any business trying to change the way things are. They believe they’ve got to experience everything just the way they planned it before showing up on the planet. Never mind the challenges that may cause, they are adamant about it all working out in the end. And yes, it does all work out in the end. It’s just that they wouldn’t have had to wait that long or go through all the chaos they did to get the same results.

Then there are those people who show up for an appointment because someone sent them or gifted them with a session to convince them SRT could help them. It doesn’t matter if the person is in stage four cancer or has a back injury keeping them from working, SRT won’t do anything for them if they don’t want to receive this awareness and work with the new consciousness SRT presents.

You can’t take away a person’s free will to suffer and sit in their martyr energy if that is what their ego wants. It’s not that healing isn’t happening, it just may be a long ways away. In some cases, death is the only surrender and allowing that people can do for themselves. For them, death IS the healing as they allow themselves to transition into a different state of being.

So whenever you’re concerned about whether or not SRT could be an important healing tool in the life of someone you know, keep in mind that person’s attitude towards helping themselves and their willingness to work through their feelings and beliefs around any challenges in their life experience. Those are two essential ingredients that open the door to healing for them through SRT or any other form of energy work.


If you want to know how open you are to receive healing or what resistance you might have to being healthy and fit, then contact me now. Forward this email to me with your name and email address to Janice(at) (type my email address like you normally do — I’m writing it like this for spam prevention).


We will set up a time to get together on the phone for 20 or 30 minutes to give you a quick and easy assessment to know if healing is happening for you.

If you have some special ways to heal yourself with awareness and working on your belief systems, feel free to share them with us. Drop a line in the response box below and share your thoughts with us.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Janice M. Puta
SRA Certified Teacher & Consultant in Spiritual Response Therapy/Technique
Helping you get a life you love to live!
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions: Janice(at)

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