Posted by: Jan on December 9, 2009
Categories: Spiritual Exercises // Comments Off on Look for God’s Handwriting
Every season of the year has God’s handwriting all over the pages of the sky and the land.
Take the time to look for the inner light shining through the trees in full bloom or stripped of all their foliage.
Follow the lines of tree trunks and branches arching up into the sky like fingers poking at the clouds. Smell the earthy fragrance of wet bark after the rain. Marvel at the crystal sculptures of shrubs and trees encased in ice.
Notice the simple joy showing up in the freshness of rain or the first white snow, the blossoms of spring or the harvest of fall. Watch the pulse of life as birds build their nests and geese migrate.
Wait for the moment that unlocks your heart – and then enjoy the thrill of being totally alive again.
What joy and wisdom do you find in nature? Please drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with us.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Janice M. Puta
Author of Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker
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