2010 Workshops with Janice Puta
Basic Dowsing Class
Saturday, June 26, 2010, Fond du Lac, WI
At Heaven on Earth Healing Alternatives
Instructor: Janice M. Puta, SRA Certified Consultant and Teacher in Spiritual Response Therapy
Anyone can learn how to use a pendulum. With a pendulum, a method, and a few charts, you can do wonders for yourself. But your results may be only as dependable and as worthwhile as the way you use a pendulum, manage your energy field, and connect with your High Self.
Jan has pulled together some of the most basic information about developing your intuition and translated it into the easiest way to learn and master it.
Here’s your chance to be one of the select 10 people to get these insider secrets to using a pendulum to deliver the results you want. Join Jan in Accessing Your Intuitive Wisdom: A Pendulum Dowsing Class.
When: Saturday, June 26, 2010 from 9:30 am until 12:30 pm
Where: Heaven on Earth Healing Alternatives, W2289 Poplar Road, Fond du Lac, WI 54937 (about 7 miles east of Fond du Lac off of Hwy 23)
Discount: Save $10 if class is prepaid by end of day on June 20 for $65
Full Price: After June 20, if there are any seats left, prepay to hold your place for $75
Register today! Make sure you get your seat now. For questions or to register by phone, please call Linda at 920.948.2100 or email her at heavenonearthhealingllc@yahoo.com
P.S. Bring your own pendulum or buy one from us. Bring your own notebook and pen.
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Basic Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT)
July 22 thru July 25 (Thurs thru Sun), Fond du Lac, WI
$450 seating is limited to only 8
Instructor: Janice M. Puta, SRA Certified Consultant and Teacher in Spiritual Response Therapy
Following the curriculum of the Spiritual Response Association, you will:
- Learn the purpose of SRT as a spiritual healing process
- Learn and practice the preparation to work with High Self, and how to do a proper closure at the end of the work sessions
- Learn the 13 basic subconscious programs that limit your life experience
- Empower yourself to take charge of your life by clearing your programs
- Learn how to use, and then do, your own personal clearing by
- Accessing all the charts in the SRT system from an index chart
- Removing blocks to 24 major challenges in your life including power, health, career, income, sexual relationships, children, life meaning,
- Downloading vibrationally vitamins and minerals, and making sure you’re receiving 100% value from what you are physically using
- Assessing over 25 aspects of health and well-being to discern how you can improve your physical life experience
- Learn how to use, and then do, research and clearing of your past lives
- Receive a certificate of completion
- Experience 27 hours of small group instruction which includes 10 hours of hands-on clearing work
Class arrangements:
- Dates: July 22 thru July 25, Thurs thru Sun
- Tuition: $450, registration deposit of $100 required
- Contact: Janice Puta at 920.929.8770 or email Janice@OurSpiralJourney.com
- Attendance limited to only 8 people. Book now to reserve your seat.
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Advanced Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT)
Upcoming dates to be announced: 3 day class in which you learn how to do an SRT clearing for someone else, do a complete clearing for yourself with an Inner Child Clearing and Brain Restructuring
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“Money in the Morning; Love in the Afternoon” Dowsing Skills: August 7 in Fond du Lac, WI
9:30 am – 5:00 pm, $85 early registration, after that $90. Half Day $50 early registration, after that $55
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“Jobs and Career: Finding Your Life Purpose” Dowsing Skills: September 11 in Fond du Lac, WI
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Vision Board Workshop: October 9 in Fond du Lac, WI
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For details on all these workshops plus more, contact Janice@OurSpiralJourney.com
For class updates: www.MyEverydayMystic.com/2010-workshops-janice-puta
Get the $17 Special Report “Energy Assessment & Alignment – A Spa Experience for Your Soul” for free at www.SpiritualAdvocateforAnimals.com