Wine and white geranium 2“Through all events of life I am forever grounded in the knowing that I rest in Oneness with the great maker of All That Is.

Thisgreat one is at the center of my Being and provides the healing balm when outer experiences hurt.

This kindness that forever has made its home in my heart knows nothing except wholeness and so I live as Spirit’s perfection in this day and time.”

(© 2003-2009 Rev Angela Peregoff,

The daily blessings from Rev. Angela Peregoff are some of the treasures I look forward to at the start of each day. There is always something deep inside the words and between the lines that finds its way into my mind and soul.

As we’re off and running into a new year, I thought this part of the blessing from December 4th was a thoughtful reminder of how to keep ourselves balanced in mind, body and spirit.

For the soul, keep yourself grounded in the belief, the trust, and the hope that you are never alone. Hold fast to your knowing that you are one with the “great maker of All That Is.” No one and no thing can take you out of, tear you apart from, or separate you from that Oneness. There is tremendous comfort and power in understanding that.

For the body and the mind, focus on being aware of and feeling this great One at the center of your Being. With the Divine Healer in your very core, there is always with you “the healing balm when outer experiences hurt.”

No matter what comes at you, no matter who walks away from you, there is an ultimate, perfect, Divine Kindness that already has chosen to be your friend, your healer, and has made Its home in your heart.

For you, there is this hope and this promise, this Kindness “knows nothing except wholeness.” You, too, can now “live as Spirit’s perfection in this day and time.”

To sign up for Rev. Angela’s daily blessings, please go to her website at

Have you found some bit of wisdom and support in today’s information? Please drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with us.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Janice M. Puta
Author of Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker
Free Preview: Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker

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