
Accessing Your Intuitive Wisdom

Basic Divination Skills with a Pendulum

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

Instructor: Janice Puta

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Several of you met me at Psychic Fairs, Wellness Expos, the Holistic Horse Fair, or have been touched by the healing energy work I do with Spiritual Response Therapy.

Like me, each of you has your own Inner Wisdom and personal guidance system to support you, guide you, and heal you. Now here’s a fantastic opportunity to get quick, effective, and easy training in how to tune into and tap this power for yourself.

We are getting a select group of people together for this class: Accessing Your Intuitive Wisdom: Basic Divination Skills with a Pendulum. It will be in Fond du Lac at Heaven on Earth Healing Alternatives, graciously hosted by Linda Heimermann.

To find out if this class is for you, how to save with the early registration fee, and what the bonus is for those attending on May 21, click here:

Take a look right now because there are only 5 seats left in this fantastic, very popular class. Make sure you get yours now! Click here for all the details:

Janice M. Puta
SRA Certified Teacher & Consultant in Spiritual Response Therapy
Helping You Walk the Path to Healing and Wholeness
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions:

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