Tree reflected by trail 2 edited

Many thanks to Linda Heimermann of Heaven on Earth Healing Alternatives near Fond du Lac, WI for hosting my workshop on Saturday, May 1.

It was a delight to teach the eager people attending, and to explore with them advanced skills in using a pendulum.

The six-hour workshop gave everyone time to enjoy Linda’s rural setting and the riverfront during the lunch hour.

Titled “Money in the Morning; Love in the Afternoon,” my intention was to empower everyone in the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of wealth awareness and prosperity consciousness.

Here are some comments from those attending:

  • “I feel very blessed for the opportunity to attend your workshops. I’m really starting to see my life come around full circle and have an awareness and understanding why.” (JG)
  • “You are very clear and cover subjects very well. Janice, you are such a good speaker, every thing you say is worth more than gold. I learned so much, not on one subject but on everything.” (DW)
  • “It was more than my expectation. The portion on Love of Self was very awakening.” (LSY)
  • “All topics were definitely beneficial. A lot of my questions were answered. This class was truly worth every penny and time spent. It was truly an eye opener and breath taking. Very beautifully done, Jan.” (JW)

Click here to continue reading Empowered in Wealth and Love

Stop AheadThe March 2010 issue of The Oprah Magazine featured a true story of a woman whose husband cheated on her for several years before confessing what he had been doing.

As she told her story, I couldn’t help think of the Law of Attraction and how both she and her husband created their own realities. Nothing happens accidentally or in a vacuum.
The directions in life aren’t always as obvious as traffic lights and highway signs. There are much more subtle signals that men and women need to pay attention to.

For the woman in the story, she was busy raising their family, doing the household chores, and making some time for her husband. Even with their once a week “date night out” she did not know she wasn’t giving her husband the emotional support, the loving gaze, the passionate embrace that he needed and wanted.

What did he do – go look for what he wanted somewhere else. As he put out the thoughts and feelings for what he wanted, the “other woman” showed up because his wife was not answering that need at the time. That doesn’t excuse him from the choices he made or absolve him from the betrayal he created in his relationship with his wife. It only explains how quickly people can create what they want when they begin to think about it and feel ready to receive it.

Click here to continue reading He Cheated, She Stayed: Law of Attraction in Infidelity

3621225550_8070303d15_mHe never said he loved her or that he would leave his wife and children for her. Sandy never asked him those questions because she didn’t really want to know what she suspected.

Sandy felt a deep connection with this man from the first day they met at a regional business project. He gave her the attention and compliments she craved. She gave him the sex and passion that he wanted.

She was so sure there was a reason he was in her life. Imagine the pain and hurt as she began to realize he wasn’t going to be the one she was looking for as her life partner.

How can she let go of him without more of her raging anger, tears, and shame? How is she going to tell him it’s over without hurting either one of them any more? How did she ever let herself get into this?

Click here to continue reading Use Spiritual Response Therapy to Get Over an Affair

FaireApril2010-AdSpring1Join me at the “Spring into Summer Mind Body Spirit Fair” on April 17 and 18 at the Sheraton Hotel in Madison Wisconsin.

Embrace the mystery of self-awareness and learn specific techniques for success in your unique journey through life.

Attend my presentation on “How Past Lives Block Success,” get a past life reading and clearing with me, browse the Exhibit Hall.

Learn about ‘being’ and how to empower yourself in special ways:

  • transform your life in coming months and for your future,
  • know what may be coming and how to deal with it,
  • avoid the pitfalls of life,
  • become a more awakened being!

Discover all this and more by ATTENDING the WELLIFE MIND BODY SPIRIT FAIR!

Click here to continue reading Meet Me at the Spring Mind Body Spirit Fair in Madison

983529680_096eb725a4_m1The Perfection of Spirit dances as all life with a commanding Presence today. I take a moment, and with an inner awareness, I sense the connection of harmonious alignment with Source. I am a pathway of Divine Love today.

Using the life of Jesus and the messages of my ancestors I reflect on the need to remember and know Spirit.

I call on trust to fill my world so that I am never frightened of change like the temple priests.

Clarity flows through me so that I am not confused when things do not go as I expect them to, just like the disciples.

I know there is only One power of Divine order in life so I shall not be alarmed when my power is challenged like the Roman authorities.

Click here to continue reading Reflections on the Christian Holy Week

ch_01-4074816_thumbnail1Imagine being around someone who constantly sniffled for weeks and months and wasn’t aware of doing it. That was one of Don’s annoying habits until Judy asked him to please have a session in Spiritual Response Therapy.

Spiritual Response Therapy is a spiritual healing practice that makes no claims or guarantees for the emotional and physical improvements that happen. This was Don’s first session in SRT. We talked about the issues he wanted to address and then started the work.

The work was led by Don’s High Self and mine. Using a pendulum and the set of 32 charts in the SRT system, I researched Don’s past lives that were affecting him now. During that process, the High Selves removed negative energy blocking Don on his job. Through out the session, the High Selves cleared various subconscious programs and specific beliefs that were limiting Don and keeping him from experiencing his fullest potential.

Click here to continue reading Ending Annoying Habits with Spiritual Response Therapy

Welcome to a fantastic new expo from BMSE. This year we have themed our events “See Beyond” and we invite you to consider this theme throughout the weekend. We mean more than looking past the economic worries of the moment to a brighter future. We also want you to see beyond the ordinary to discover the magic around you in everyday life. With wonderful exhibits and free presentations, the expo truly will have you smiling throughout the weekend. Join us!

Wyndham Airport at 4747 S Howell Ave, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
March 27-28: Sat 10 am to 6 pm , Sun 11 am to 5 pm
$10 Admission


Don’t Miss This Fantastic Lecture by Janice M. Puta

How Past Lives Block Success

Learn from Janice Puta, a certified teacher in Spiritual Response Therapy, as she explains easy steps you can use to tap into a past life. Discover the 13 core programs that create the unfinished business from past lives that block success in your life now. Learn how to use your intuitive powers to disconnect from the negative effects of past lives that limit your finances, mess with your relationships, and sabotage your health.

Click here to continue reading Body, Mind, Spirit Expo Milwaukee March 27 and 28

ch-02-istock_0000028475351People who have families and jobs bring many of those relationships and responsibilities to their sessions in Spiritual Response Therapy.

SRT is first and foremost a spiritual healing practice that addresses the client’s self-limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks to health and abundance, love and wealth. The release from subconscious programs and the healing that results are the work of the client’s High Self, and practitioner’s High Self, working in and through Spirit.

No challenge is too big for High Self and Spirit who work on the issues the client brings to SRT, even when that means taking on what’s involved in state recertification of a major medical program shared among several nursing homes.

The practitioner’s work follows the usual intuitive lead of the High Self and progresses through the charts included in the SRT system. Here are a few things the practitioner may want to watch for and include if they are appropriate.

Click here to continue reading Using Spiritual Response Therapy to Recertify Nursing Homes

iStock_000011190367XSmallThose of you who are pet owners and animal lovers will find support in my new website and blog as a Spiritual Advocate for Animals.

If you ever wondered what’s going on inside of their heads, or if deep down they love you as much as you love them, here’s what you’re looking for. Find the answers to questions like these and so much more on the weekly blog posts about everyday pets and animals like yours.

Listen in on the conversations I have with pet owners and animals lovers just like you. Discover how we intuitively work together to solve their problems for sick, fearful, and dying animals. Find helpful ideas you can use.

And if you want to feel like you’ve given the best possible care for your pets and animals, schedule an appointment with me for an intuitive energy reading and alignment. It’s more than information – it’s energy clearing work and energy alignment for these beings you cherish as part of your own family.

I’d love to have you become part of our animal lovers family on my Facebook Fan Page. As soon as you become a fan, upload a picture of your pets and introduce them to us. This fan page is all about them – giving them a place to share their wonderful loving energy, and giving us who love them a place to hold a sacred space for their healing and wholeness.

I’m looking forward to your comments and suggestions, especially situations with your pets you’d like me to write about.

Janice M. Puta
Certified Teacher in Spiritual Response Therapy/Technique
Helping You Walk the Path to Healing and Wholeness
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions:

948416116_2591689d79_m1Whatever you’re thinking about as your greatest gift to give, I bet you’re thinking about how you might give it away or share it with others.

But what if the greatest gift you can give begins with gifting yourself?

At first I was taken aback by this suggestion, “My greatest gift to give is my happiness.” (*The Teachings of Abraham)

As I read further, I discovered that the most perfect place to begin with any kind of giving is to build up your own center of happiness and well being within. It’s like filling up the well before you dip in and share with others.

“When you are in a state of joy or appreciation, you are connected to the Stream of Source Energy that is truly who-you-are – and anything or anyone that you are holding as your object of attention benefits from your attention.” (*The Teachings of Abraham)

Did you know it could be that easy?

Want to give a great gift to your family today? Go and get yourself happy!
Want to bring a terrific attitude to your workplace today? Go and get yourself happy!
Want to have the best energy for dealing with the people and issues that are coming your way today? Go and get yourself happy!

Click here to continue reading What is Your Greatest Gift to Give

iStock_000005673049XSmallSnail mail is welcome every year around my birthday! I love greeting cards – the beautiful illustrations, the personal comments, and the special messages for my very own day.

For me, it’s also another opportunity to practice the message of the “everyday mystic” and to weave each card into my daily meditations of grounding and gratitude, attraction and appreciation.

Here are some of my favorite lines. May they enrich and inspire you too.

“The world was blessed the day you were born. You are a gift to us all!”

“Enjoy the sweetness of life…
the joy of family and friends…
and the peace that comes from God above.”

“Today may you be visited by happiness.”

“As you grow into all that God has planned for you this year,
may each day give way to blessing after blessing.”

Blessings on your birthday, whenever it comes this year. Feel free to come back and share some of your favorite birthday greetings with us.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Janice M. Puta
Author of Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker
Free Preview: Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker

983529680_096eb725a4_m1As suggested in Part I, for the past few days you’ve been looking at what’s on your mind and then writing down your observations.

The whole point in doing that is to gain more awareness of what your subconscious mind and ego are up to.

You are on a mission to empower yourself by taking back your power to create the kind of life you say you really want.

The tools you need to change your life experience into what you really want to experience are higher consciousness and more awareness on how to spiritually evolve into that better life experience.

Here are the last two suggestions that I invite my clients and students to use to turn around the energy and outcome in the observations they made up to this point.

3. Do a blessing for every issue you wrote down. Go back to the list of observations you’ve been working on in step 2 in Part I. Rephrase each entry to make it into a blessing, appreciation, or gratitude statement. The positive energy of these thoughts and feelings shifts your own energy field when you do this. Use statements like this:

  • “I am grateful to all the brave and wonderful people working on keeping our country safe.”
  • “I am delighted to see all the people making a good living, and rebuilding the economy in our country, because they give me hope for my own journey.”
  • “I enjoy seeing couples and friends having a good time together. Just like them, special people are showing up in my life too.”
  • “I am so happy for you, Nancy! You have a growing practice and lots of clients all the time. May you and all of them continue to prosper, grow, and to heal.”

You don’t have to speak or send these new statements to anyone. This is for your own confrontation with your self-limiting belief systems, and replacing them with more nurturing and supportive ideas and feelings.

Click here to continue reading Four Steps to Go Deeper with Energy Work Part II

2048120257_975c4e3668_m1Whether you’re having sessions in Healing Touch, Reiki, or Spiritual Response Therapy, you can use these and other forms of energy work to open yourself up to even deeper benefits.

What each alternative healing modality does for you is to empower you to take charge of your own life experience. If you don’t like what you are experiencing at home or work, in your finances or relationships, you can change those outcomes.

The tools you need to change your life experience into what you really want to experience are higher consciousness and more awareness on how to spiritually evolve into that better life experience.

Here are the first two of four suggestions that I invite my clients and students to use.

1. What’s on your mind? This is the beginning of awareness. Listen to the thoughts going on inside your head. What are you thinking when you listen to the news? What are you thinking when you listen to the conversation among your peers at work or school, your friends on Facebook or in emails.

Look at what comes up for you when you read my articles on this blog, or any other source of spiritual wisdom that you read. A lot of the chatter in your head is ego driven. Becoming aware of what your ego is thinking, and how it is messing with you, is a really powerful step in evolving your consciousness.

Click here to continue reading Four Steps to Go Deeper with Energy Work Part I

Woman in MindAre there times when you feel stuck, going nowhere, same old stuff happening at work and at home day after day?

Did you know you can change that? Did you know there are ways for you to take charge of what is happening?

I used to think that being “stuck” was something that just happened.

Then as I read more of the teachings of Abraham as recorded by Esther and Jerry Hicks, I began to understand this quotation: “Life is always in motion, so I cannot be stuck.”

At first I didn’t get it. After all, I was seeing the same types of clients show up, the same totals in and out of my bank account, and the same feelings about myself as compared to what my vision and dreams were to make a bigger and brighter contribution to the world.

Little by little I began to understand Abraham’s teachings about the Law of Attraction and how energy works: “It is not possible to stand still or be stuck, because Energy, and therefore life, is always in motion. Things are always changing.”

Well if “things are always changing,” how do you explain the same old stuff that shows up in my life and in the lives of many other folks I know?

Click here to continue reading How to Get Your Life Unstuck

iStock_000010764589XSmallJessica is a nurse practitioner in a local urgent care, walk-in clinic. She loves caring for people and what she’s capable of doing for them.

Then there are days when she can’t seem to do anything right for certain patients. We’ve all been there as practitioners, whether we use the medical or the alternative healing modalities!

Jessica was aware enough to know that something else was going on here between her and these difficult patients.

She was also open enough to understand that if she didn’t do something about it on an energy level, the next time she encountered these patients could be chaotic, and even traumatic, for her and for them.

With Spiritual Response Therapy, I worked with her High Self and mine to research the past lives between Jessica and two of the most difficult patients she recently cared for in the clinic. The process involved identifying the subconscious program that Jessica was running in that past life, who perceives they were harmed and by whom, and what unresolved energies each character carried forward into this current lifetime.

That part of the research and clearing the soul records for Jessica brought her tremendous relief. Another significant part of the SRT session was to become aware of and clear all the contracts and agreements Jessica made with these people, now showing up as patients, to experience self-punishment, vindication, or judgment from them.

Click here to continue reading Spiritual Response Therapy Helps Medical Professionals with Difficult Patients

iStock_000000229579XSmallPrayers and pleas for help for the people of Haiti are coming across our computers, tvs, and cell phones.

There is no end to the current need, and there is no limit to the power of whatever you can share in your time or resources.

In the solidarity we have with them as the human family, let’s embrace them in a higher vision of hope and healing.

This is one way to hold and transmit love and light to those in need:

Choose a strong, affirming, and comforting statement to focus on like these lines from Rev. Angela Peregoff:

“I am a spark of light through which cosmic truth shines. I am a Creational Force in human form that is here to love all that I am afraid of, to look at what I am afraid to look at, and to send love to that which still scars the soul.”

Ground yourself with stillness and focusing on your breathing. Bring your awareness into your heart space and be at peace.

Now imagine yourself in a shower of golden and white light as you repeat to yourself:

“I am a spark of light through which cosmic truth shines. I am a Creational Force in human form that is here to love all that I am afraid of, to look at what I am afraid to look at, and to send love to that which still scars the soul.”

Then broaden your view, enlarge your landscape and see all the people of Haiti standing before you and stretching out to the horizon.

Click here to continue reading Hope and Healing for Haiti

eye_of_godTrue to what My Everyday Mystic embodies, here is a method to access any spiritual writing as both information and inspiration for everyday support and guidance.

You can use a pendulum or muscle testing to check your energy alignment with even the most profound mystical beliefs.

I’m going to use one line from the December 21, 2009 morning blessing of Rev. Angela Peregoff. (You can read her complete blessing on her website

Step 1: bring your awareness into your heart center and open up your soul presence. Become still inside and outside. The intention here is to center and ground yourself.

Step 2: read this statement two or three times reverently and reflectively.
“I know my life to be a continuous unfoldment of Holy Beingness, of I AM.”

Step 3: ask yourself if you believe this deep down in your soul. If you dowse or use muscle testing, you’ll get a yes or no answer.

Step 4: if you get a yes answer, ask yourself to what degree, or how much do you believe the statement in step #2. On a number’s chart you’ll get a percentage. With muscle testing, ask if you believe it more than 25%, more than 50%, more than 75% etc to get an idea of the strength of your belief.

Click here to continue reading Six Steps to Align with Mystical Beliefs

Wine and white geranium 2“Through all events of life I am forever grounded in the knowing that I rest in Oneness with the great maker of All That Is.

Thisgreat one is at the center of my Being and provides the healing balm when outer experiences hurt.

This kindness that forever has made its home in my heart knows nothing except wholeness and so I live as Spirit’s perfection in this day and time.”

(© 2003-2009 Rev Angela Peregoff,

The daily blessings from Rev. Angela Peregoff are some of the treasures I look forward to at the start of each day. There is always something deep inside the words and between the lines that finds its way into my mind and soul.

As we’re off and running into a new year, I thought this part of the blessing from December 4th was a thoughtful reminder of how to keep ourselves balanced in mind, body and spirit.

For the soul, keep yourself grounded in the belief, the trust, and the hope that you are never alone. Hold fast to your knowing that you are one with the “great maker of All That Is.” No one and no thing can take you out of, tear you apart from, or separate you from that Oneness. There is tremendous comfort and power in understanding that.

Click here to continue reading Rest in Oneness

1 CYB title photoRecall the wonders and miracles in your own life as this year ends and another opens up before you.

Consider the blessings in the things you take for granted, and know how much you are loved and taken care of.

These illustrations, photos and content are excerpts used with the permission of Charles S. Patridge. For the complete presentation, see

2 CYB If you have food

3 CYB If you have money

4 CYB If you have health

Click here to continue reading Count Your Blessings

Winter Branch

After the presents are opened, the holiday meals eaten, the friends and guests have left, some children express what may be on many minds, “I’m bored!”

It’s difficult to keep up the adrenalin rush of holidays without wearing yourself out or putting a hole in your wallet.

Where do you turn for warmth inside during the cold wintry days in parts of the US? Where are your sunbeams when the sky is grey and sullen? Where is your joy when the weather seals you up inside the house for days?

There is no boredom in beauty! Make that the starting point of a spiritual exercise that warms up your soul and thaws out your heart.

Look for something beautiful to focus on: crystal icicles hanging from a bare tree, hoar frost sparkling like a wonderland up and down the neighborhood, sparrows huddled together around the evergreens. Click here to continue reading There is Never Boredom in Beauty

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