Posted by: Jan on February 17, 2008
Categories: Spiritual Exercises // There are 2 comments already...
She calls it “Entertainment for the Third Eye.” Intuitive artist, Dana Weekley, knows how to deliver soulful art. In her process are three lessons in self-esteem for each of us.
1. Know that you are sourced in the Eternal.
- Imagine the biggest picture possible. Look beyond this planet, beyond this universe. Go back into the Source-of-all-that-is, by whatever name you choose to give IT.
- See yourself as a spark in a Divine Fire. Choose to believe in your awesome beginnings.
- Grow your belief to trust, your trust to knowing. In the knowing the apprentice becomes the master.
2. Connect with your soul consciousness.
- Use daily meditation, centering prayer, guided visualizations, yoga, tai chi, and various techniques like these. Quiet yourself on the inside and the outside.
- Call in your soul presence by asking it to come into your physical life experience.
- Invite soul to expand and inspire your thinking. Encourage soul to radiate compassion, forgiveness, and love in your relationships, work, and recreation.
3. Live in your bliss.
- Choose one job, project, program, skill, or art medium that you love doing and never tire of it.
- Focus on how it touches you inside and satisfies you with such joy that doing it is reward enough.
- Then do it. Right now. Start with minutes, then hours. Let it feed your self-esteem with powerful, positive, affirming energy until you can make your living doing what you love most.
Know, connect, and live! Then come back and tell us, “What is your bliss?” How did you find it? What does it feel like to be there? We’re here to cheer you on!
Janice M. Puta
Spirituality mentor and energy practitioner:
Author of Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker
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