Posted by: Jan on March 26, 2008
Categories: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker // Comments Off on How to Savor the Connection to All-That-Is
How do you get there – to the source of All-That-Is?
“Search for the stillness in your heart.” The sacred teacher, Wind Walker, shares this wisdom in the book of spiritual allegories, Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker.
Sometimes it’s a long journey into that stillness. Many of us fly out of bed and hit the shower running in a day that is crammed full of responsibilities and expectations. Some of us may take time to eat healthy. A few make time to exercise.
But how long does it take to become quiet on the outside as well as on the inside? Where is the place indoors or outdoors where you can retreat for a few minutes?
Find a place of solace and quiet. Allow yourself to sit in that stillness and melt into it.
Imagine yourself connected to a Source greater than yourself — like a river flowing into the sea — or a star among the galaxies.
Savor this moment. Cherish this awareness. This is what connection feels like.
Janice M. Puta
Spirituality mentor and energy practitioner:
Author of Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker
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