618520025_1fd766f69f_m.jpgWho’s in charge – your ego or your soul? Can you tell the difference between these two states of mind? How can you practice present moment awareness and evolve your spiritual consciousness?

These are the issues we will be working with at the next work session for graduates of the Basic Class in Spiritual Response Technique.

Whether or not you are part of Oprah’s Monday night class with Eckhart Tolle, anyone who studies and practices SRT is already awakening spiritual consciousness.

Some of the spiritual exercises you practice during our work sessions include:

  • connect to your High Self and maintain a clear channel of communication
  • clear your personal energy field of the low vibration energies and entities you may have generated through reactivity or picked up from others
  • remove blocks and interferences from ego, anger, and self-judgment
  • identify, research, and clear self-limiting belief systems from this present life or past lives that are creating your “pain body”
  • identify, research, and clear subconscious programs from this present life or past lives that are supporting your “pain body”
  • disconnect your energy field from people and places, events and circumstances that are draining you and sending you their negative energy
  • disengage from the negative programming in the group consciousness of your family, your workplace, your culture and the world scene
  • discern your inner willingness to be on purpose with your life
  • access your soul consciousness and blend it with your personality and ego

The next work session in SRT will be Thursday evening, April 10 in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Please contact me for further information if you are interested in attending or learning more about Spiritual Response Technique.

Janice M. Puta, Certified Teacher Spiritual Response Technique
Email me at: Janice@OurSpiralJourney.com
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

Janice M. Puta
Spirituality mentor and energy practitioner: www.OurSpiralJourney.com
Author of Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker
Free Preview: Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker


” Oprah’s 4 interviews with Jill Bolte Taylor were the first that Oprah did after Eckhart Tolle and they take everything Tolle talks about to another level. Oprah’s copy of Jill’s book, MY STROKE OF INSIGHT, was dog-eared and all marked up and kept reading from it the way she read from A New Earth and recommended it highly.

Oprah’s recommendation was enough for me. I read My Stroke of Insight and I loved it too. This story is as inspiring as The Last Lecture or Tuesdays with Morrie – and even better, it has a Happy Ending!

I bought the book on Amazon because they have it for 40% off retail and they also had an amazing interview with Dr Taylor that I haven’t seen anywhere else.

I read “My Stroke of Insight” in one sitting – I couldn’t put it down. I laughed. I cried. It was a fantastic book (I heard it’s a NYTimes Bestseller and I can see why!), but I also think it will be the start of a new, transformative Movement! No one wants to have a stroke as Jill Bolte Taylor did, but her experience can teach us all how to live better lives. Her TED.com speech was one of the most incredibly moving, stimulating, wonderful videos I’ve ever seen. Her Oprah Soul Series interviews were fascinating. They should make a movie of her life so everyone sees it. This is the Real Deal and gives me hope for humanity.

Thanks, Betty, for sharing your experience with Jill Bolte Taylor’s great book. I’ve seen one of the interviews with Oprah and am looking forward to seeing the rest of them.

Thanks for stepping into the journey of awareness.

Chris, thanks for letting us inside your own personal experience with Jill’s book. I was in awe of Jill’s description of the peace and bliss she felt inside her right brain dominance even as the left brain was experiencing the stroke damage.

But like you said, we don’t have to go there and have a stroke to wake up and live a fuller, deeper, more meaningful life! In that way, all of us are the gift to and hope for humanity!