2283515730_5a91410799_m.jpgI had the list and the pictures in the Sunday flyer. There was no way I could get this wrong. My friends stood in line behind me at the checkout. The clerk paused and then tensed.

He picked through the notebooks again, sorted them into two piles, and checked the screen entries. My friends deserted me and got in line at the next counter.

I could feel the energy closing in. I wondered why the clerk had to enter every single item and couldn’t just do a quantity entry. At the first tinge of reactivity, I found myself thinking, “Let it be.”

The clerk repeated the call for assistance. The supervisor explained that everything had to be sorted and entered for inventory control. I had unknowingly pulled together wide ruled and college ruled notebooks. They had to enter each type separately. “Let it be.”

Okay, maybe I should tell them I really want to exchange the wide ruled for more of the college ruled since there was a per person limit. “Let it be.”

By now my friends were checked out and waving goodbye as they passed me. “Let it be.”

From out of nowhere, the refrain to the Beatles popular song kept coming to me. What a perfect mantra for the moment. Forget the rhyme or reason why I’m in this checkout line with this young man. Don’t even mention past lives or karmic ties. Sometimes it’s just what is.

Everyday spirituality is that simple. It’s about what’s going on in this moment. It’s about whose here on the scene with you. It’s about what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling about yourself, others, and what’s happening or not turning out the way you figured it would.

As long as you can stay in the flow of “let it be,” you’ll be just fine. Don’t over think this spirituality thing. Keep it simple, keep it straight forward. Just “let it be.”

Janice M. Puta
Author of Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker
Free Preview: Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker


Jan, I loved “Let it Be” … so often, that’s my challenge. I want to explain, guide, direct, be IN CHARGE, and wonder why others don’t see the wisdom of my ways. 🙂

I’ll hum along with you …

I know what you mean! It’s difficult at times to simply “hold the light” and to let others choose their own path and their own pace. There are times I want to hurry up the process and have to remind myself that I only sow the seed and God gives the growth and reaps the harvest.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. And thanks for your comment.