Posted by: Jan on December 24, 2008
Categories: LOVE // Comments Off on Love Believes All Things
Christmas Eve is one of those big days for love in many places around the world! Christians believe and celebrate the birth of Jesus as Emmanuel, God With Us. They recount their salvation history and the role of Jesus as Messiah, Savior, and Redeemer.
Every major religion has a belief in a Divine Source, an Infinite Love. Every spiritual seeker yearns for the assurance they are loved, protected, and guided by a Higher Power.
And love is more than believing. “Love bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” (1 Corinthians 13)
These are some of my favorite lines from Corinthians. I think of them whenever I remember my 25-year old niece undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer.
I think of these words whenever I read about some one left homeless by a fire, tornado, or earthquake.
These are the words that come to mind when I hear stories on the evening news about survivors and volunteers, young and old living every moment of life with courage, faith and hope.
And they have courage, faith and hope because first they have love.
No matter how you choose to celebrate this holiday season, what ever your beliefs and traditions may be, let love be the source of your greatest joy and comfort.
A love that bears all things because it believes all things are possible, everything is going to work out, and all is well.
A love that endures all things because it hopes for the best in everyone and everything, and never gives up.
What are the biggest challenges for you to endure right now? Where would you like more support believing that everything is going to work out? Drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts and concerns with us.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Janice M. Puta
Author of Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker
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