Posted by: Jan on April 19, 2009
Categories: Abundance & Prosperity // There are 8 comments already...
On April 24, the Prosperity Program 2009 begins for the next 40 days, or more, for those of you who are ready to receive energetic support in mastering the Universal Law of Prosperity.
Is this for you? Please discern the following:
1-What could be easier than saying an affirmation twice a day to change your relationship to money?
2-Can you complete this simple step every day?
3-Do you have a perfect relationship with money?
4-Are you happy with your level of financial abundance?
5-Are you willing to send a donation to your favorite charity, or to those charities suggested, as your only financial exchange for the benefits of this group experience?
In this extraordinary program, you will be connected energetically to a powerful group of several hundred from all over the United States and Canada. Energy work and meditations specifically for this group will be dedicated to uplifting this group energy. The intent is to transform the consciousness of financial abundance so that you may align with and attract in your desired outcome.
Here is everything you need to know about when this program first started and how to participate in it.
Prosperity Program – 2009
What is it?
This very simple but effective program was designed in 2005 to support a group of people who were focusing on increasing prosperity in many areas of their life. We knew that group energy is much more powerful than working alone. Participants were amazed at their own ability to stay focused, feel uplifted, stay in higher consciousness of faith, and create miracles in their lives during and after participating in the program.
Our focus for this program is to increase financial prosperity. This can be a monthly income, unexpected income, a lump sum of money to pay off debts etc.
The Truth
We clearly know that when you make a 100 percent commitment to do something, and you take every step with integrity, the universe will open up a way to support you. When you verbalize a commitment with faith and conviction, you immediately draw to you people, ideas, circumstances and synchronicity of events that say to you “I’m here to help you with your commitment.”
The Universal Law of Prosperity
Every desire, uttered or unexpressed, is a demand. Nothing stands between you and your desires except doubt and fear. So doubt and fear must be erased from your consciousness and be replaced with faith. This must be done by impressing your subconscious mind with a realization of good by having a firm conviction that only good can come into your life, therefore only good can manifest.
Importance of daily discipline
It is said in ancient traditions that the human mind works in cycles. We can use various cycles to help replace unwanted patterns of behavior (mental or emotional habits) with new, more positive ones.
• It takes 40 days to change a habit.
• It takes 90 days to confirm the habit.
• In 120 days, the new habit is who you are.
• In 1,000 days you have mastered the new habit.
Therefore there must be a definite commitment to faithfully follow this program each and every day for at least 40 days – and if you miss even one day, you will have to start over again and continue until you can go the full period with perfect continuity.
Please invite everyone you know who is ready to move from fear to Faith and Freedom!
This program starts on April 24, 2009 (New Moon Day) and will end on December 31, 2009.
What do you do?
The New Moon and the Full Moon energy is powerful energy and this is always an important time to state and manifest our intentions.
Please set clear intentions to increase financial abundance in your life as that will be our focus as a group for this program. To set the energy in motion you will begin and end every day with a prosperity prayer/affirmations provided below. After reading the prayer, take few minutes to focus on each statement with great thoughtfulness and feelings, letting the positive words and feelings fill your consciousness. We invite you to keep a spiritual journal to write any observations, experiences or changes you encounter during the course of the program. This will be your only commitment by registering in this program.
You are automatically registered if you participated in the first round in January 2009. If you do not wish to take part this time, please send an email to ( and your name will be removed from the group list. You need to register if you are a new participant and did not participate in this program in January 2009.
New participants may sign up for this 40-day Prosperity Program via email by providing your first name, last name, and email address to
You may join for 40 days, 90 days, 120 days or for the remainder of 2009.
What do we do?
This program will be facilitated by Leni Onkka from Colorado, Yamini Bhatt from Texas and the School of Yoga Therapy and Natural Medicine in Toronto.
During the program, Leni and Yamini will be tuning into the group energy on a regular basis to clear subconscious (soul) level energy blocks caused by fear based beliefs, world energies, or other limiting energy patterns that may block your flow of energy to receive abundantly. Then the group energy (collectively) will be harmonized and realigned to the universal flow of abundant prosperity. This can assist all the participants in the group to raise and evolve the prosperity consciousness. The energy work will be done in absentee so you do not have to be present in any way to receive the healing thru clearings.
Free On-line Prosperity Meditation:
During the course of this program the School of Yoga Therapy and Natural Medicine will be leading monthly prosperity meditations. To participate in the on-line Prosperity Meditation, you don’t need any specific equipment, just your personal computer with internet access. You will be invited to join the meditation via separate email invitation in which you will be given the necessary details.
For the participants in Toronto, the live meditations will be broadcasted from Dharam Dwara, one of the School’s teaching facilities that focuses on community service and Karma Yoga, you are welcome to attend live and participate in the free kitchen that will follow, keeping in the theme of giving and receiving.
Together as a group we will hold love and light around everyone’s intentions for the highest manifestation. Thus we support each other in our new awareness and conscious creations. By raising our consciousness of the Infinite Source of Good around us the program works!
“Everything you give to others is a gift to yourself. As you give you receive.”
Giving is an esoteric science that never fails to produce results if it is done with love and joy. We are offering this program in Spirit of LOVE. If you wish to give love offering you may do so by:
1. Giving to your favorite charity. OR
2. Sending donations to:
Spiritual Response Association
2909 Pacific Avenue SE, Olympia, WA 98501-2040
Spiritual Response Association (SRA) is a non-profit organization and its mission is to support and promote universal consciousness of peace and oneness by empowering every individual who desires to become aware of his/her indwelling connection with SPIRIT. ( we are grateful for the gift of consciousness we have received from our work with SRT. OR
3. Sending donations to:
Yoga without Borders
164 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 100, Toronto, Ontario M4P 1G4
Yoga Without Borders is the service branch of the School of Yoga Therapy and Natural Medicine and has been assisting the homeless and hungry in the GTA, students in Africa, women and young adults who are challenged mentally, physically and emotionally, as well as youth and elderly in need. The students of the school are required to do community service as part of their training program. The newest initiative is the development of a free kitchen at Dharam Dwara, and that is where current donations are focused. (
Please read the following affirmation/prayer daily – twice a day (upon rising and before going to bed is preferred).
• I accept Good graciously into my life. I believe that all kinds of good is now flowing to me so richly and so fully that I have abundance of money to spare and share today and always.
• I accept that God is the source of all supply, and that “money is God in action.” I am harmonious, poised and magnetic. I now draw to me my unlimited financial abundance of the Universe. My power is God power and it is irresistible!
• I believe that true prosperity includes perfect health, perfect wealth, perfect love and perfect happiness. The word which I speak in faith activates a law of Universal Good and I accept and share the results.
• I see all others in this program being blessed exceedingly and abundantly. I give thanks that the financial abundance that is mine by Divine Right, is now released and reaches me under grace in perfect ways. And so it is!
About the Facilitators:
Yamini Bhatt is a Certified Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) and Spiritual Restructuring Teacher, a Certified Prosperity Guide, and Certified Yoga and Meditation Teacher. She has been teaching individuals and groups healing processes to bring self awareness, healing and transformation since 1996. She has a successful consulting practice and is the founder of Riddham Spiritual Center.
Leni Onkka is a Certified Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) and Spiritual Restructuring Teacher and Certified Prosperity Guide. She began her own healing practice since 1999 and is a founder of Leni Onkka, LLC. She has been working extensively with clientele, students and group consciousness to teach self-empowerment and facilitate inner transformation and growth.
The School of Yoga Therapy and Natural Medicine has been training professional Yoga teachers, therapists and practitioners of Yogic Natural Medicine since 2000. The school’s vision is global change through personal transformation. The founder of the School, Yogi Akal, has been teaching, counseling, and uplifting groups, individuals, families, professionals and businesses around the world for over thirty years.
P.S. New participants may sign up for this 40-day Prosperity Program via email by providing your first name, last name, and email address to
This is an exceptional opportunity, with terrific energy support, to bring even more prosperity and goodness into your life for the rest of the year. If you’re not already signed up, please do so now. Then send this invitation to your friends, and grow the power of this fantastic group.
Janice M. Puta
Certified Teacher in Spiritual Response Technique and Certified Prosperity Guide
Helping you get a life you love to live!
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions: