Posted by: Jan on May 20, 2009
Categories: Spiritual Response Technique // There are 2 comments already...
When you pay attention to your intuition, engage your imagination in self-reflection, and investigate your psychic perceptions for accuracy, you’re in harmony with the energy center above your eyes known as the sixth chakra or “third eye.”
Located in the center of your forehead, this is your energy center for intuition as well as for intellect and reasoning.
This chakra involves your mental abilities and your psychological skill at evaluating your beliefs and attitudes.
The main lesson of this chakra is to learn wisdom – to trust what you cannot see far more than what you can see.
If this energy center is traumatized or shut down, you may be experiencing:
- Fears of being inadequate or dumb,
- Fears that someone is going to find out who you really are and that will end your marriage, your relationship, your job, your career because part of you does not believe in your essential goodness,
- Fears of being haunted, possessed, or victimized by beings not in a physical body.
If your brow chakra is warped and overly active, you may experience headaches, blurred vision, eyestrain, nightmares, hallucinations and delusions. You may also have tendencies towards:
- Addictions to collecting books and going to classes to feed an insatiable hunger gnawing at you that says you don’t know enough yet,
- Excessive anxiety and stress over what you know about yourself and your giftedness and how the rest of the world is not ready to accept you,
- Inability to sleep alone or in a dark room.
This chakra needs to be healed and functioning properly because this energy center supports your power to focus and concentrate, your eyesight and memory. In addiction to your eyes and your brain, it also affects the wellness of your face, lymphatic and endocrine system.
When I work with you to assess and correct the condition of your sixth chakra, I can find out where the problem is coming from. Sometimes it’s from poor training and inadequate role models in this lifetime. Sometimes it’s from mistakes and unresolved issues in past lives. And, it could even go way back to the time of your soul’s first incarnation into the physical realm, where things were so different from living in the spiritual planes.
Whenever it happened, and from wherever it came, it’s my responsibility to find the cause of the problem, to help you undo the programming, and to enjoy a better life experience. The good news is there is a solution, and it encompasses and heals the total being – body, mind, and spirit.
Because this is energy work, you can stay in the comfort and privacy of your own home and work with me over the phone. Would you like to meet me over the phone and get a free quick assessment of your sixth chakra?
You can have a free 20-minute session with me to see how I can help you. Email me at with the subject: Let’s Check on My Sixth Chakra?
We’ll get together on the phone, we’ll talk, you’ll feel better, and your life will change.
If you’re already familiar with chakra healing have some special ways to keep your sixth chakra in harmony and balance, let us know what they are. Drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with us.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Janice M. Puta
Certified Teacher in Spiritual Response Technique
Helping you get a life you love to live!
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions: