Posted by: Jan on July 29, 2009
Categories: Spiritual Response Technique // There are 2 comments already...
In every field of healing and spiritual practice, there are still some weeds growing like envy of other practitioners, or feeling unworthy and abandoned by your clients when they also use the services of your competitors.
As you go deeper into awareness, you eventually can discover that there is no such thing as competition. Competition is a false belief or perception many people have gotten used to, especially in a capitalistic economy like in the USA.
Competition implies there’s a limited supply of people and money out there, so it’s survival of the fittest! You have to get there fast, make the best sales pitch, talk louder than anyone else, have more bright shiny objects to dazzle the customer, and get the biggest crowd over to your tent with open wallets or credit cards waving in the air.
In reality, you attract in or draw to yourself clients who match your energy vibration, your emotional frequencies, and your thought patterns. Whatever you believe about yourself as worthy or unworthy, capable or not good enough, deserving or undeserving, is what you’re putting out for others to feel and respond to.
Every practitioner will receive exactly the type of client and the numbers of clients they are personally resonating with. And of course, everyone hopes they’re in the highest possible energies of attraction and prosperity consciousness. But what if they’re not and don’t know it?
Most practitioners will know what’s going on subconsciously by the number of appointments in their calendar and the quality of clients showing up for them. Even then, it’s always good to have a frequent review of where you’re at energetically to catch any unresolved energies or self-limiting programming that is beginning to brew in your subconscious mind.
That’s the power of Spiritual Response Therapy. In an SRT session, you can specifically ask for feedback on:
- How open am I to receive my greater good if my greater good means an increased flow of what I consider my ideal clients?
- How much am I pushing against, resisting, wanting to suffer by not having more of what I consider my ideal clients?
- How do I subconsciously feel about other energy practitioners in the area who may be working with some of the same people I do? What unresolved discordant energies do I unknowingly have towards these practitioners?
- What unresolved discordant energies do I unknowingly have that are keeping current clients from coming back, and/or, keeping new clients from showing up for me?
- What are my subconscious, self-limiting beliefs, perceptions and judgments about having a larger business, a more prosperous practice, double the clients I have now?
As you can see, this type of feedback is priceless! Before you spend more money on advertising and promotional materials, find out how you really feel about growing your business and how well you can work in the same area with other practitioners.
You will be so relieved to find out how you can change around and increase your client flow and your bottom line for your practice. Many times, it’s all about an inside job – working with your own consciousness, awareness, and programming.
If you do your own SRT clearing and also clear other practitioners and consultants in energy work, healing, or spirituality, let me know how these suggestions work out for you.
If you’re new to SRT, or have had a clearing session done now and then, this is an example of some of the things I talk about and work on with my students and clients. If you’ve never worked with me before and want to have your own free 20-minute session to see how I can help you, email me at with the subject: Let’s Talk for 20 Minutes!
We’ll get together on the phone, we’ll talk, you’ll feel good, and your life will change.
If you have an experience with effectively working with self-limiting beliefs and subconscious programming, please feel free to drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with us.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Janice M. Puta
Certified Teacher in Spiritual Response Technique
Helping you get a life you love to live!
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions: