Posted by: Jan on September 9, 2009
Categories: Events // Comments Off on Do You Shudder When You Hear the Words “Goal-Setting”?
You’re not alone. Most of us were taught that goals meant work. Or we made a list of goals for our “To Do” list and then spent weeks and months feeling guilty about not doing them.
The truth is: Traditional goal-setting is based on a set of “shoulds.” You SHOULD create goals so you know where you are going. You SHOULD set deadlines. You SHOULD…
Goal-setting is one of the most critical processes in any small business but few know how to set goals that have true-magnetism and literally pull your thoughts, your energy, and your resources towards success. Cathy Demers is going to introduce you to a whole new world of goal-setting.
You CAN have the thriving business you dream about. NOW is the time to have financial freedom and security while you make a difference in the lives of others.
As an award winning entrepreneur and small business advisor, Cathy knows what works. She is going to reveal how to set and achieve Magnetic Goals and unleash the potential in your small business.
You will learn how goals actually magnetize success while you do what you love. You’ll get techniques for using goals to accomplish one of the toughest challenges for a solo-preneur or corporate executive: staying clear and focused and building momentum. And you’ll be surprised to learn that goals can actually give you more free time to do the things you enjoy.
You will discover how to:
* Use magnetic goals to draw financial success to your business (even if you never could before)
* Become the driver of your business (and get out of the passenger seat and start taking control)
* Enjoy less stress, anxiety and negativity in your business
* Create a simple shift in focus that can transform your results
* Stop focusing on basketballs so you can see the gorillas (Cathy will explain…it’s not complicated)
If you’re ready to take action, you’ll discover exactly what to do during one of these free teleseminars (3 dates to choose from). Just click HERE to register:
Janice M. Puta
Certified Consultant and Teacher in Spiritual Response Therapy/Technique
Helping you get a life you love to live!