Posted by: Jan on December 22, 2009
Categories: Spiritual Exercises // There are 3 comments already...
I’m celebrating Christmas on December 25th here in the States!
Although I’m behind in the decorating, I’m taking my time to savor the spirit of this special season.
Greeting cards are some of my favorite things. I love the many different ways we say some of the same things.
Stroll through some of these tender sentiments and stop to taste the sweetness of those that touch you most.
May the Joy of Christmas stay in your heart
and bring you a year of happiness.
(What I love about this blessing is that it’s focused on the gift of Joy stored inside the heart from where it continues to pour out happiness through out the year.)
May you be blessed with
the love of family,
the warmth of good friends,
the joy of giving,
the happiness of children,
the celebration of life,
and peace throughout the coming year.
(This reminds me of the blessings I already have and take for granted. Wouldn’t it make a difference in the world if we appreciated what we already have, and supported those charities and services that help the less fortunate?)
In the peaceful joys of Christmas,
in the stars that shine above,
in the wonder of the Season,
in the gift of God’s great love
may you find hope and promise
that will bless this Christmas season
with very special happiness for you.
(The Christmas season is not always a time of hope and promise for broken relationships, people without jobs and paychecks, the homeless looking for a warm place to sleep on a cold night. May each of us do our part to make sure as many people as possible around the world have more hope and promise in their lives because of what we do with ours.)
What would you like to share from your Christmas cards? What’s the most beautiful greeting you’ve received or the message that touched you the most?
Please drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with us.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Janice M. Puta
Author of Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker
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